Monday, June 30, 2008

First day back

Well, the first day of class was a bit boring but it was mostly review so in a way that's actually a good thing. I'm surprised at how much free time I have. I got a lot done today-got my book situation covered, notified football that I was done with their nonsense, went to class, took care of my meal plan, and then came back to the room and sorted a bunch of music and read a whole lot for English. I also got my exercises in today. Now Paul and I are watching 20 straight episodes of Robot Chicken. Good day, kinda busy at points. I'll probably write some better posts for you all soon

1 comment:

Billy Grasmeder said...

I didn't know you had decided on the football issue. I'm sure that will free up your time and you'll be very happy with that. 20 episodes sounds AWESOME. I wish I had that kind of time.