Monday, April 27, 2009

Actually Bored

Well, classes are winding down quickly now. Everything seems to be coming to a close and I am getting bored because I don't have the same level of homework that I did before. I guess I should enjoy it though, because I know I'm going to have plenty to keep me busy next year. Oh well. Short post today.

I had my last stat test today and it was really easy, to the point that I feel like I forgot something... Oh well I guess I'll find out soon.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Big Event

Well, every year VT has a day of service called the Big Event. It basically consists of the students organizing themselves and descending on the town of Blacksburg to complete various service projects. Yesterday there were about 5,800 volunteers involved. I was part of the representation of TBP (the national honors society for engineers). We had 17 people show up and were thus assigned three projects, Pick up trash and pull weeds, rake leaves, and paint a porch. We split up into 3 groups, trash and weeds the biggest at 10 people was the one I was in. So we arrive on site, a clean little neighborhood in Blacksburg and discover that they have a path by the highway that gathers trash from the cars. It was short so most of us started on that while other people started on the pulling weeds. Well, when you get a bunch of highly motivated engineering honor students together tasks don't take that long. We quickly finished with the trash and moved on to help the weeders, again we finished quickly. There were two more jobs wait-trim a grass/bush thing-like those plants that used to be in ma's yard, and clear some drain pipes. Again we split up to conquer these tasks-I got to cut up the bush thingy. Again we quickly crushed our tasks. Then we went to help out the leave raker guys-with the added help it took maybe 5-10 minutes to finish everything. We did not go to help the painting folk because they had limited brushes. All told though I left the apartment at 8:45 and was back and showered at 12:45-which is really cool. It is amazing how quickly a bunch of engineers can complete any task.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Past Week or So

So the past week or so has been crazy busy. I've signed up to be on the Smart Radio Design Challenge team. This is the team that works with Dr. Bostian and won basically all the major awards ever given in both the Smart Radio Design Challenges. I had to fill out some of the paperwork for that.
I had threeish tests-Apparently I got the highest score on two of them, and the third one is yet to be graded. Oh, I got the highest score on the Stat test too, but so did 4 other people (we all got 100s). So that's going really well and makes me happy.
Labs are winding down, which is good because I'm definitely getting tired of dealing with them.
Had a project all about modeling the solution to Laplace's equation within a region defined by known voltages. I wrote a nifty matlab program that simulates various situations and comes up with a solution by numerical iteration. The report on that was 36 pages. I'm very happy with the program but not as much with the report, it was kind of a victum of time. In any case I most happy that that one is done.
And just incase you think my life is 1000% about school, yesterday Dake, Paula, and I are sitting in AC Circuits. Just before that class Paula and I had a test in E-Fields, both of us feel pretty good about that one, but Paula was super nervous going into it because she didn't do as well as she would have liked in the first test. Anyway, in as AC was finishing Paula and I we just happy to be done with a long week or so of tests and projects and such, and Dake was happy cause he's Dake. So Dake suggests going out on the town after we all finish our various labs that night. Definitely some of the most fun I've had in a while. Dake, Paula, Angelia, and I made up the EEs for the group, but we brought Angelia's roommate (Linsy the Bio major) and Jen allong to round out the group. Started the night with Salsa Dancing becasue Dake is a big fan of such and surprising good. This was not a fair start though, because Dake is taking creative dance, Angelia is from Peru, and Linsy is from Puerto Rico <-cheaters! I can not salsa. Jen is throughy ok with this because Dake took her for one dance and she apparently doesn't salsa really well either. Paula, (from the Philippines) apparently knew how to salsa too. So Jen and I were just surprised and not so good. Anyway, after all this we went to VT's (the bar that Paula works at), which was made even cooler by the fact that of the 10 people in the bar our group made up 6. That was fantastic! Nathan, in town for the memorial, showed up at VT's around 12 ish. Then all went to Ihop, throughly good times.
Ok that's enough stream of thought for you (no I can not spell)

New Pictures!

I know it's been a while since I have last posted anything but I've actually been busy (surprise surprise) but I have been updating some pictures and all. I'm using Picasa right now and I like it so far. Links to the Picasa albums can be found on my photo blog.