Sunday, April 20, 2008

Start of a new week

Well, I'm done with football practice which makes me rather happy cause that means a cut down in time I have to spend on that with meetings and such like that, also a dramatic drop off is in days that I have to get up early or go in on weekends. This week I still do have to lift on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, which is not cool but it's better than obligations everyday. Oh, also on Monday I meet with Coach Newsome to go over how the spring went and all that jazz. I don't really have much school work to do this week because I have tests in a bunch of classes and projects and papers coming up. Fortunately two of the tests this week don't really matter for mean cause I already got A's on the first two tests and they drop the lowest of the three. I have a practical exam in lab on Thursday, which means that I have to go in and build a bunch of circuits and take measurements and such. I am not at all worried about that one, I'm fairly confident in my ability to build and measure just about any circuit from that class. I'm going to be taking advantage of this time to be finishing any projects I have left, do any extra credit that I possibly can, and study for finals so that as the semester winds down it'll just get easier and easier for me. Which means that I will most definitely be studying for and taking the tests in the classes that I don't really have to take those tests.
My face hurts. I have this small bump under my jaw, right at my lymph node and it's sore and I don't know why it's there but I want it to go away.
For all you people with facebook accounts, you should thank Jen, because she took pictures at the spring game and gave them to me so I can post them for all you guys to see. I shall be doing that shortly.
Well, it's late and I'm going to think about bed or relaxing or getting into something fun to do for a bit, because I don't have wake up at 6:40 tomorrow morning and I spent the majority of today doing work but I didn't get to cross that much off my to-do list.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Three Weeks from Tomorrow

Well, three weeks from tomorrow I get to go home and start the many fun things there. I'm excited about a change of pace. I'm also excited about being done with football-it takes up too much time. Life is not exciting here, it kind of bites but i'll be on break soon enough. Oh well, I'm sick right now, but I'll post again later.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Stupid Pollen

I really don't like spring, just because that's when all the pollen comes out to attack me. It makes me sad because I didn't do anything to that stupid pollen but that pollen feels the need to float right up my nose while I'm just trying to breathe. Once that darned pollen gets up there it decides, "hey this would be a great place to create a little chaos and havoc." Then I end up with a constant drip from the nose and sneezing and the absolute worst, the eyes. Apparently pollen really really hates my eyes, cause it feels the need to brutality attack them and make them hurt and itch and water constantly. GRRRRR I say to the little pollen but it just laughs and continues it's devilish plots. Makes me very sad.
Well, I must say if you haven't yet seen the links on the brother's blog you should look upon them. He's got links to some nifty pages in the More Nerdiness post and a cool little video. He's out in the west building a very enviable media set up, which one day I hope to replicate.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Well, once again I'm posting to you guys and I am happy, if a little in want of sleep. I got a 91 on my computer org and architecture exam 2 and I also get a chance to redo that sucker to raise my grade a bit more. I'm pretty much done with school work for the week due to clever planning and execution. Football is going well, had another half scrimmage last Wednesday and the three offensive drove the ball pretty much the length of the field both times we were in, but only scored once because Tyrod fumbled, which may have been due to the snap, but those things happen and such.

As a number of you have probably seen I have started to use a few applications on facebook and some are pretty neat. I honestly feel a bit weird using that green patch one, but I do like the idea of keeping some rain forests about, so I guess it's worth it.

Um not really much going on here, been hanging out and doing work and football. Connor is failing chem2 so he'll have to retake that-it's the first class he cares about and is doing poorly in, so he's kinda bi-polar right now, but such is life sometimes and if I thought about how much I want my own room next semester any more I just might lose my mind, so I'm trying to think of other things that are good and I don't really have to wait for that long.

Jen is a real goof ball and great to have around. All my friends though are quickly getting to the "I want to be done" point and it's still too soon to go on cruise mode-close but not just yet. Eh, I'm going to go relax and hopefully I'll have something more exciting to post about later.