Sunday, December 21, 2008

Good Semester

Well, it was a good semester I got one A three A-'s and one B+. I am pleased

Friday, December 19, 2008


Well I'm home and while here the only school related thing that I need to do is copy my EF notes over to my notebook. I have discovered though, that I get bored easily when I don't have to do any school work, so I have have brought some books. Most of the books I've brought are just for recreational reading but I have my programing book should I fell like working on some project I dream up. I don't want to plan anything out and set deadlines so I can relax a bit. I'm kinda hoping to get some reading done. Maybe I might decide to install some new OS on this machine (my laptop), or write some programs, or build a circuit or two-I brought home my circuit box just in case I feel like tinkering about with that. I might look on instructables to build something off of that. Speaking of which I was thinking about bringing my Wii home to install a homebrew with SNES emulators, but I was lazy and didn't feel like packing up my Wii to bring it home. I found some cool kits from MAKE for under $20 that I'll probably be picking up some of those next semester. I'm thinking I'm going for a reduced credit load next time (only 14) so I can some more fun stuff. Well that's enough for now.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tomorrow I go Home

I don't know what to bring home. It feels so weird not having anything that I really have to do. At the same time though I'm tired and I don't know what to do with myself. I'm almost bored now that I don't have any school work to figure out...I dunno we'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First Grade Back

So I'm being lazy today and not pouring over my micro notes. I did get my first grade of the semester back- A- in applied software, I'm happy with that. I just hope the rest go as well, I've been getting grades in projects and such back in many of my other courses and I've been finding that I've done better than I thought I would, but only time will tell. Ah well back to being lazy for a bit.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All's well that Ends well

Well this morning I had an exam at 7:45, I woke up at 8:30- Naturally I was not happy about that, but I went over and was actually able to complete the exam in just over an hour. My professor offered me extra time but I had my EF final directly afterwards and I had only left 1 problem uncompleted so given the situation it went pretty well. My EF final went well, despite my morning rush. Now I feel a little under the weather-throat ever so slightly soar, and a bit of head pressure, but this morning was rough, so I'm chalking it up to that. I was able to stay calm and I took care of everything.

I don't have an exam till Thursday(I've checked like 400 times) so I'm going to be spending the rest of the day relaxing and shutting down all the classes that I've completed.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Night before

Well it's the night before my two hardest finals and I feel oddly calm-I feel ready but I'm a little worried because I want to do well. oh well, what will be will be on this one. To sleep-I feel oddly calm. "In God We Trust" I guess. Good Night

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I'm sure Jenn will post more about it on her blog, but just so every one is updated: Jenn is just fine.
I think its best if I leave any details to her-if you want to know more you'll have to ask her, but she does have to tell you.

I'm tired.

I'm posting this most because it seems my phone has decided that it doesn't like charging any more so it won't do it. As my phone is basically dead this a bad thing. I'll figure out some solution till I get home and can go in and complain to those bum AT&T folk. grrr I say. Oh well. Now for sleep time...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Last Night

She said... Ok maybe not but I did go out to see a band and hang out with some people Jenn knows, it was lots of fun. The band was pretty good and they played a pretty good selection. I didn't know too many of the people, but neither did Jenn so I wasn't alone in that. Everybody was very cool anyway. It was nice to see a different scene than the standard one these days. I was in a mood for listening to musics anyway. Well it was fun. Today I have to read a good bit of my comm book. Look over some EF too. Most important though is to take part in my secret study technique which involves video games and relaxing and such.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Exam Time

Well it's exam time, that time of the semester when everything gets a little crazy. But I've already done two exams and I feel pretty good about both of them. They were Applied Software Engineering and Digital Design I. Still to come is Intro to Comm and EF (on Tuesday) and Micro processor System Design on Thursday or something like that.

Tonight I'm apparently going out for food and then to a concert or something of that nature. I didn't plan it, but it does sound fun. A nice break from school which is really all I've been up to for a good bit now.

I am most happy today I got my album from England. I've listened to the first already (it's a double) and I like it a whole lot. It's Porcupine Tree's Up the Downstair and I'm very very happy that I have added that one to my collection.

Part of me is a bit tired and just wants to lay around the house and listen to my new album but I'll have time for that later on. Might as well go out for a bit. Till next time hopefully I'll have something more interesting to say