Saturday, November 15, 2008

Response to Obama's First Weekly Video

Apparently President Elect Obama is going to post a video each week on youtube to let everybody know what's going on in America.
Personally I don't agree with all of Obama's policies and I wish he didn't win the election. But he did, I'm not going to be sour about it and I would appreciate at it if others wouldn't gloat about it.
The important thing here is that Obama, barring any disaster will be the next president. I really like this weekly video idea to keep people informed, but after watching his video it seems like he is still on the campaign trail. I mean I understand that he really doesn't have a lot of power right now and that his main function currently is to win the support of the people, but he did already win the election-it's kind of time to stop campaigning. I don't agree with all his policies but I like the talk of making jobs by updating our infrastructure. I'm not a fan of hand outs, but he didn't really commit himself to any, even if he inferred them.

Well that's all for this week, I'll probably respond to the next video as well-I hope these continue into his term as real president as well. I have to dig up a link to the polysciblog for skippy. But for now I'm off to the CEL.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Full Version of My Costume

So I bring for you all you a picture of myself, in fact it is the full version of my profile picture-turns out that's the one I like best for posting purposes-if you all really really want to see the others just post a lot of comments or something

Any way here is the full picture.

new profile picture

So I got one picture of me dressed up this Halloween and I even set it as my profile picture, but I don't yet have all of the latest pictures-My memory card doesn't want to talk to my computer right now, so... coming soon photos of me as a crazy butcher... I guess I hope...

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well, I told many of you to stay tuned for pictures and I have brought many to you-although I don't have any pictures of myself (I think those are all on Paul's camera). I bring a picture of Tuskie (Paul) and Chong from Cheech and Chong - apparently he got a bit lost but we hung out for a bit.

Stay tuned for more pictures and perhaps even a Day in the Life of a Tusken Raider Special...

Any Way Enjoy

-I should get some pictures of me up there soon for all you who enjoy that sort of thing

Notes on Pumpkins
I did the Haunted House with the clouds and bats-there was supposed to be a shadow on the moon, but it broke off
Jen did the Cat on a pumpkin carving-that's right a pumpkin carving of a pumpkin carving (Que Twilight Zone Theme)