Thursday, October 30, 2008

Morning Post

While I don't think this post will exist prior to any mother morning computing I figured I would write a quick note. Like the Lt. I know have a twitter account and if you want a more play by play of the events going on with me check it out-I should be connected to the Lt's account.
Busy day yesterday-I got a fairly intense program done really quickly so I'm well pleased about that. A couple of busy weeks coming up, but I'm doing my best to work it out such that this week end is filled with homework.
Jen and I are are craving pumpkins on Friday.
Today I have my Tau Beta Pi interview-nothing formal at all just a kind of get to know the candidates.
Oh I also got invited to join HKN which is the electrical engineers honor society.

I gotta run-bye all

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Busy Week and Bass

So last week was crazy busy and not cool, at all. This week much better though.

It snowed this morning and is possibly even snowing now. Been getting colder and colder.

I've being playing the bass a bit lately to relax after long day's (there are many) I've been learning more and more on the bass and am really enjoying it. I'd like to eventually, when I get better get a fretless bass. It's definitely something that I would like to do more, but at the very least I hope to be able to play for a long time.

Been a long day, I'm dehydrated from the cold so I'll end this post for now.