Friday, December 19, 2008


Well I'm home and while here the only school related thing that I need to do is copy my EF notes over to my notebook. I have discovered though, that I get bored easily when I don't have to do any school work, so I have have brought some books. Most of the books I've brought are just for recreational reading but I have my programing book should I fell like working on some project I dream up. I don't want to plan anything out and set deadlines so I can relax a bit. I'm kinda hoping to get some reading done. Maybe I might decide to install some new OS on this machine (my laptop), or write some programs, or build a circuit or two-I brought home my circuit box just in case I feel like tinkering about with that. I might look on instructables to build something off of that. Speaking of which I was thinking about bringing my Wii home to install a homebrew with SNES emulators, but I was lazy and didn't feel like packing up my Wii to bring it home. I found some cool kits from MAKE for under $20 that I'll probably be picking up some of those next semester. I'm thinking I'm going for a reduced credit load next time (only 14) so I can some more fun stuff. Well that's enough for now.

1 comment:

engineeredmadness said...

Hooray for home! I too am home. Did you get your Christmas Card?