Friday, April 11, 2008

Stupid Pollen

I really don't like spring, just because that's when all the pollen comes out to attack me. It makes me sad because I didn't do anything to that stupid pollen but that pollen feels the need to float right up my nose while I'm just trying to breathe. Once that darned pollen gets up there it decides, "hey this would be a great place to create a little chaos and havoc." Then I end up with a constant drip from the nose and sneezing and the absolute worst, the eyes. Apparently pollen really really hates my eyes, cause it feels the need to brutality attack them and make them hurt and itch and water constantly. GRRRRR I say to the little pollen but it just laughs and continues it's devilish plots. Makes me very sad.
Well, I must say if you haven't yet seen the links on the brother's blog you should look upon them. He's got links to some nifty pages in the More Nerdiness post and a cool little video. He's out in the west building a very enviable media set up, which one day I hope to replicate.


engineeredmadness said...

Ahoy there
I use pinnacle stuff for video editings, you can find there stuffs in best buy and should be able to get a bundle with a capture device.
Though if you got a hard drive camera you wouldn't need a capture device.
And while I'm thinking about it, did you see the thing about racetrack memory instead of flash?

momk said...

there has to be something you can take for the spring allergies.