Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gettysburg 1

Day 1 Remote posting

Hullo all, I did indeed bring my computer to Gettysburg, but it seems I have forgotten to bring along the internets. Thus I will be writing my posts up using one my favorite windows programs, Notepad (nice and simple).

Well last night as many of you blog fans probably know I did not get to sleep until 5 in the am thus I have been tired today but it hasn't really too bad. I was able to get all my stuff together and in the car before anybody else got dressed, but to be fair I must note that I have neither a 2-year-old nor arthritis like my travel buddies ma and skip.

The drive wasn't bad, it was mostly Route 15 and had much good green screenary and not very many slow driving nimrods. Max was very good throughout the ride despite a few high pitched squeals, but it was lucky considering the potential horror of a two-year-old and a two hour car trip.

When we got in the hotel room wasn't quite ready yet so we went to a farnsworth inn to have some lunch. I was rather hungry as I didn't really have any breakfast. I had meatloaf and a bottle of cider as well as a black walnut apple cake with a glass of chocolate milk. Overall it was good. Our waitress was a fairly ditsy girl that couldn't seem to believe that I wanted the entire bottle of cider.

Upon arriving at the hotel room I unloaded the car while ma got an extra bed while max proceeded to take over the entire room and overall be a little boy. As soon as we got everything in the room we left again. for the new and improved visitor's center.

The new center is pretty darn nifty. Has a bunch of stuff to see, plus it's all new and expansive.

In the gift shop me and ma found Max simply by following the screams of Max, who was holding a toy gun yelling boom at anyone that he saw.

My only problem with the whole thing is that it seems likes it's all about slavery and civil rights and such. I don't disagree that that stuff is important and connected to the Civil War, but the point of the whole thing was State's vs. Federal Rights.

The northerners opposed slavery because they felt that it would prevent small farmers, expanding westward, from competing with larger slave owning farmers-Paraphrased from the visitor center.

Also I'd like to point out the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves from the South and didn't really say much about any slaves that might be in the North.

Anyway going back to the main story, after the visitor center we all went down to the civil war cemetery and walked through that. I have discovered/remembered that are an incredibly huge number of unknown soldiers buried there.

As we were leaving the cemetery a large rain was approaching so we came back to the hotel and I turned on the computer in hopes of posting, but it looks as I have to write the post now and actually post it later.

Well I think that that is as much post writing that I can do-Max is getting into everything and we are beginning to talk of food once again. I shall write again tomorrow.

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