Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fun night

Well, I have to say, I know sometimes I say I am bored at night, but tonight was definitely not one of those type nights. Jenn got to come over after she got off work. Also a friend of Skip's was able to be here for dinner.

Rewinding a bit-it was nice today to have a more relaxing type of day-Max and Skip were out most of the day so Spud and I got to complete our shelving project (completing projects is always very good). Also, as much as I must admit that I like Max, it's more relaxing when he's not around.

But later in the afternoon Skip, Max and Skip's friend came back to the house and we were all hanging out. Jenn arrived a little while afterwards and it was crazy for a bit cause we where getting dinner ready and the Lt called and all, but it was nice because it really seemed like a complete and bustling family-everybody there seemed to fit.

After dinner we relaxed some more (I did tell you it was a relaxing day). Then we had some delicious peach and french vanilla ice cream that Ma and I stumbled across.

Eventually Skip, her friend, Jenn and I got to play Canasta, which was very very fun. Jenn and I were on a team and we won, but Skip didn't do bad-her partner allegedly was just learning and made a couple decent mistakes that gave me some good points and made Skip not so happy. In the end I think everybody had a good time though.

After that I got to relax with Jenn and watch a movie/talk for a bit, which is always super super nice as I happen to like her very very much. Sadly though she had to leave at around midnight cause she was falling asleep and lives kinda far away. It'll be nice when we're both back at Tech and she'll live much closer.

Anyway as for me, learning Russian is going well so far, I'm up to lesson 5, which looks like a longer one so I'm not sure when I'll be able to fit it in. I haven't started that push-up routine that I talked about and I probably won't until I get more settled at school-although I am doing a little of this, a little of that while I can. And now, as it is getting late and Jenn is already asleep at her home, I leave you all for some sleep.

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