Sunday, October 21, 2007

Programming MADNESS!!!

This is SPARTAAAAA!!!!!!

Any how, this weekend has been really crazy, i guess mostly because of the practices, it doesn't even feel like a weekend. But good news everyone I have gotten my program to work and I'm feeling more and more comfortable with data structures, although I'm still behind in that class things are looking better. I pretty much spent all of today programing so I have the urge to do things like end lines with semicolons and line up brackets and such. But it's ok. I had to spend today programing because this program is due at midnight tonight and I didn't get any work done on it yesterday because Connor's family showed up and kidnapped me and forced me to go eat pizza and watch Across the Universe and then brought me back here, where the hall was engaging in a "massive multi-discipline work study" which I was also press ganged into. I have to say though I really enjoyed Across the Universe and although I've never taken any drugs I'm pretty sure that after seeing that movie I've had the experience of being on way too many of them at once. Although programming also seems to have that effect on the mind as well. I don't really want to go to practice today because it's Sunday and all I've done is program and I just want to finish the exception handling and commenting so I can just chill for a while, but no I have to go, so blah, stupid weekend practices...


engineeredmadness said...

Hooray for getting your program to work. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when the program finally does what it should.

Skip said...

massive multi-discipline work study???

momk said...

hooray for connor's family.