Thursday, October 4, 2007


I tell you i really like design, i'm designing an odd little county circuit now and i can think of anything that i would rather do-i really like the whole "heres a problem now go come up with an answer" aspect of this project. It doesn't walk me through every step like a lab, it just lets me do it how i want, which is very nice.
In other news today has been fairly relaxed, nothing much has happened yet, but now it is time for me to go forth and meet a couple friends for lunch.


Skip said...

county circuit? is that like circuit court?

engineeredmadness said...

hooray for circuits.
The Trinity site is the place they blew up the first atomic bomb. Its out in white sands.

engineeredmadness said...

oh and you'll find much of that "here is a problem, go fix it" in engineering. It gets to be quite fun. Just don't be the nut case who presents the solution that only works in theory and will fall apart in real life.

Skip said...

hey, I update my blog from time to time. Are you designing anything?

Skip said...

hey, I saw you on TV! you were walking along the sideline like a tiger! Hooray for you!

engineeredmadness said...

I must say, your blog is the most low tech of the blogs. No color change, no photos, no video, no links. This is interesting. Skippy is having a more techno-blog then you. And she updates more.

Skip said...

well, I do have colors, but I've never been on TV.

momk said...

hey you were on tv.