Monday, July 7, 2008


Well, I have some advice for you, if you should be thinking about building something that requires a bunch of screws and your don't have an electric screwdriver or drill available for the job, wear gloves. I have a hole in the palm of my right hand and a blister on my middle finger because I did not follow that advice, although I don't think I have gloves here that I could have worn- but Paul's hands aren't doing too much better than my, thus if you're thinking about that sort of activity go find gloves first.

Well, this is the start to a busy week, it's not quite into the super busy bits yet, but today had it's moments so far and the day is not yet done. Class seemed like it went really fast today with no real lulls until the end, which is kinda good and kinda bad-good because it makes the class time seem shorter that way, bad because there were lulls at the end which made it that much worse. But today we learned all about Bode Plots, yay.

Bode Plots are a convenient way to show the magnitude and phase responses of a system to a sinusoid at any given frequency. Bode Plots show the magnitude and phase responses separately which is pretty handy and in fact they are not really that hard to make. All of this gives me another tool for use in designing networks. All these tools and such give me a better understand of what everything means and how it all fits together-which is always a good thing. Overall I am very pleased with how my education and all is going.

Today there are also a whole bunch of little freshmens here for orientation. I feel all snazzy because I'm a legit college student and therefore cool-which is definitely a plus about our culture, for all the looking down on geeks and nerds and such-mostly in high school-you are automatically cool when you become a college student and you can ever be a cool nerd. But more importantly because it is once again orientation time, the food quality at d2 has increased-Horay for trying to impress people with inflated profomences which result in me eating tasty food.

But I must end this post for now as my computer is working very hard trying to do a lot at once and the network isn't helping very much

1 comment:

engineeredmadness said...

Yes, gloves tend to be good. And yay for being a cool nerd. Its even better when you work in an office of engineers.