Thursday, March 27, 2008

Busy Week

Well, hi every body, this has definitely been a really busy week. um practice has started-I'm playing more center now, which makes me happy cause I feel like I can relax and play better at that position. After this week is done I only have 3 more weeks of practice (3 days a week and saturday scrimmages) of football then after that I only have to worry about school. School this week was crazy, I had a test on monday in electronics and one on wednesday in signals-I feel like i did well on both, which is really nice because if i got an A on both of those tests i won't have to take test 3 for either course, because the lowest grade is dropped-not that i'm going to completely skip test 3 but more like i really don't have to worry about it beyond it being a study aid for the final. I have a project due tonight as well as a stupid tech writting module and electronics homework tomorrow. This week has been nothing but football and work, so basically just all work, which kinda sucks especailly when there are people around here that do nothing all day long then complain about how tired they are after taking a 3 hour nap. I haven't been able to go to sleep without simply colapsing from exhautsion since last weekend. Then people tell me that I'm never around-well, sorry, but i have two engineering majors and i play football. I know some people think i'm not around because of jen, but the only times that i see her are for lunch and doing homework. She has been really supportive and helpful-she keeps asking if there is anyway she can help and even demanded to copy some notes into a new notebook. It's funny cause she's not an engineer, but she's one of the few that seems to understand how much work i have to do and is actually making lift easier for me instead of complaining to me and making life worse. i have also discovered that i really like unix as it is proving to be more and more helpful as i learn more and more that i can do with it and then actually make used of what i have learned. well i'm sure there is more i wanted to say, but i have forgotten what that is now and i feel as though i must get back to work-the time i just saved with unix is just about up. Sorry for the huge just block of text, but i'm kinda in a rush-this whole week is a rush. I'll try to remember to post again soon


engineeredmadness said...

Yeah, the whole engineering thing can get busy. You can do it, sounds like you are doing very well in class and all, keep it up.

momk said...

don't worry about people who complain that you are never around. and if you want to spend time with jen then that is no body else business