Monday, December 3, 2007

It's Snowing

Yup it really is snowing here. Things seem to be going in fits and starts for me, today is a tough one and tomorrow is going to be a little better hopefully I can get enough done then that the rest of the week will go especially well.
You know it's strange, I just kinda want to be done with these projects so I can study for exams-it might be that I know after exams I get to go home and relax for a like while, or it might just be that I really enjoy the subject material that I would be studying, I don't know but I just know that I'm getting tired of this whole "I don't actually decided what work I get to do thing" I just kinda want to be left to mine own devices and do things the way that works for me instead of the way that somebody else thinks will work for me


engineeredmadness said...

snowing you say? It was 60 or so here

momk said...

i'm jealous. we have yet to even see a flake. of snow i mean. maybe tomorrow.