Monday, August 11, 2008

End of Summer II

So I have successfully finished out summer two-got an A for my course, so I am happy about that. At this point I'm spending some time at school working a bit and trying to finish up my English class (I hate English classes so very much) but hopefully I'll be done with this one soon.

I kinda figure that if I can out line each individual assignment that it'll make it a lot easier to figure out what exactly I need to do where. That's kinda the plan for today and tomorrow. Then if after that I'll be able to put pen to paper (so to speak it'll actually fingers to keys) and draft out most of the assignments I have to do. This one has been a huge pain because of all the research that I had to do for it-all stuff that I'm interested in anyway but is very tedious to go through and figure out for an English class type paper. I think too often I try to read some of this stuff once and then completely understand it and remember it for life-a little hard to do considering most of this is based on a foundation of knowledge, most of which I've never had any contact with before.

But I'm making more progress now so...

Other than that not much has really been going on. Been getting the apartment set up exactly how we want it-it's a rather iterative refining process but as time goes one we slowly approach the break point for that loop.

At this point my room is basically completely set up and I have an organizational method for a lot of things-not that everything has to be just so, just kinda of a methodology for keeping organized so it's easier to take care of the stuff that needs to get done. I feel that with a good base and method I can take care of a lot more with a lot higher quality.

-The was a pause for sleep right at this post so as I have lost the flow I shall simply post this one-

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