Thursday, February 5, 2009

100th Post

WOO Post number 100! woo and what not!

I'm excited, I've been invited to meet with Dr. Bostian so he can tell me about the fun and nifty stuff that he is researching. He mentioned to me a number of times that he would like to sway me toward his area.

Dr. Bostian works on Cognitive Radio. Read about such here if you like, but it is basically a radio that switches it's transmission/reception frequency to one that's interference free when it notices some kind of interference. This is pretty color stuff it combines just about all aspects of electrical engineering, which is pretty nifty. It seems heavy on controls, which I have like for a long time and Communications, which I took a class on last semester and it seemed extremely interesting. I'd like to become a bit more comfortable with electronics and such, but I think I will definitely do that this semester with Analog Electronics.

Very Excited

In other news I'm coordinating the creation of a Video tutorial for HKN. Work is going well, today I learned how to do Surface Mount Soldering (a word that I think should have the "l"). It was cool once I figured it ok and before I started soldering the really really tiny pieces. Class went well, we learned about BJTs as switches today. I'm slowly becoming more comfortable with BJTs but the true test of that will be this week's homework. Well I think I'm off to read somemore.


engineeredmadness said...

Hooray for 100 posts!

Also for this radio business, sounds quite exciting.

David said...

Cognitive radio and Dynamic spectrum Allocation is some pretty cool stuff. Take a look at the FCC White spaces stuff, which has cognitive radio aspects, along with the IEEE 802.22 standards work, if you have some time. Va Tech is one of the leaders in the field, so you're in a good spot. (I've got a google search for Cognitive Radio set up, that's how I ended up here).


momk said...

happy valentine's day