Saturday, January 26, 2008

Well Pleased

Just a short one today folks. I am very happy right now at this point, despite the fact that I seem to have lost a great deal of music from my external hard drive. I have actually set up my media box with a windows OS just because it'll be much easier to deal with this way. I'm currently in the process of ripping cds and figuring out how to regain my lost music (500GB are reserved just for music). I love music very much.
This weekend was AWESOME!!! but as of yet I didn't really get much work done, but that's ok. I dunno what to say, much to do, but much has been done. I am well pleased.
A small note as well, I meant some one new recently and it has turned out well for me. Now as I haven't really slept since friday at around 5:30am i must depart


momk said...

met someone who?? i hope she is the opposite sex of you.

engineeredmadness said...

which OS are you using? That windows home server one?