Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence

Hullo all,
Today I write you after being inspired both by a discussion about welfare that I'm involved in on my most favoritest forum ( and the Skip's post last night.

Now I must say that I believe there is no day that would be more fitting to bring up this point than the day that long ago our forgotten fathers signed there names to the document that told, definitively, all others with designs on our people and land to piss off. These men are today, sadly, forgotten because we no longer remember that they were men, great men with great ideas about how a country should be governed. Today they are simply names or symbols that no one understands.

Take the Congress, filled to the brim with overpaid suite wearing chuckleheads, just doing whatever they can to avoid losing there nicely paying job with the company reviews every two or four years. These people have forgotten that in the time of the birth of this nation the men that signed that declaration came from their land and families and jobs to serve the nation. They didn't show up to become famous or to become wealthy. They all knew that the document they signed made them all guilty of treason, infamous. They all knew that breaking from the richest nation in the world had made them all guilty of charity, paupers.

These men came only to fill the people's hearts with joy by creating a better nation, not to fill they pockets with gold. Today America is driven by the almighty dollar. It has forgotten its roots-the newest nation, nothing more than a disorgnized group of farmers, fighting the largest most powerful nation in history. We started our national life by winning fights through innovation, why rest our laurels now and fade away like the giants of the past did.

I saw we remember our fathers, not only those who fought years ago to fourge a new nation for us, but also those that fight now, everyday, to fourge better lives for their children. Those who overcame obstacls of a different culture or language. Those who overcame the obstacls of growing up in the city. Those who were told they could never make it, they couldn't do or write or be. Those who went on to protect not only their children's right to a pursuit of happiness, but also their nation at great personal expense. Let us remember these great men and their spirit.

Let us soak up the influences that are all around us; not the flashy guides to damnation that are easy to spot, but the more subtle forces that drove the creation of our nation. The influences to give and make life better for all. Everyone that walks the Earth as recieved the greatest gift anyone could give-Life. Do not forgot that for you to be here your mother had to take care of your every need for at lest nine months. Your mother changed her life utterly, went through tortue, just so you could be born. Do not forgot get that was only the start of her care for you. Let her lessons sink in. Let yourself learn to forgot yourself utterly and serve other from her example. Let yourself learn how to keep giving beyond the point of crippling pain. Let yourself learn how to walk life through another's shoes as she did when all you could do was cry.

Everyone has a mother, everyone has a father-do not forgot these people. Remember the fathers of this nation. Remember the families that supported them. Remember that this small group of men took on the world's greatest power just so you could have a say. Remember that they did not fight for money or fame. Remember that they fought to improve their lives and ours. Remember what it means to call yourself American.

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