Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bored At Night

So we got back from PA earlier today and earlier I posted to tell you about the Utz factory and such and since then it's been mostly laying about for me.

Yeah I sorted a bit of my massive music collection but I didn't really get that much done otherwise, just kinda laid about a lot. It's these sort of days that make me feel bored.

I've been thinking though and instead of including some pictures within various posts of this here blog, I've decided to make use of some online picture hosting website where I can put all of my pictures for you to see. Now this doesn't mean that I will never again include pictures in my posts but rather that I shall more likely simply refer to the picture site. Perhaps the thing to do is once again steal a page from the Lt.'s book and simply create a whole different picture blog for your entertainment.

Naturally all this means I shall have to sort through my pictures to make this a reality but I should probably do that anyway.

Man, I just really want to study engineering right now. I was going through my old emails, sorting out the ones I don't need, directly before writing this and I was noticing on all the stuff I missed out on. It makes me want to go study my books and learn more. I understand how extremely nerdy this is but that's how I am-nerdy. I just want to learn.

Eh well time to go deal with the dog.

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