I feel as though I must share with you my powers of StumbleUpon, a strange and dangerous science that can bring content like this or maybe this. Anyway I won't be spamming the blog with random links to things like the wikipedia page for postcards-Now I won't mention the name of this particular blogger, because she does very fine work but it seems that the last few posts of her's have slightly gone down in quality in an effort to post more times that another blogger I know that also does very fine work. Frankly I only mention all of this be the first blogger post a single line blog, which while it did mention my dressing for the BC game was disappointing to me, and the fact that now I link all you readers to there pages, granted the vast majority of you readers are the same that upkeep those pages, I like to think of it as preparing for a wave of potential future readers.
Sidenote: Connor has not gone to Philosophy in about 2.5 weeks because his teacher keeps canceling class.
Well, as some of you know I recently got a new computer that is surprising in working condition for free. So to expand my computer literacy and test out a potentially useful technology I am using to learn linux the specific package I'm using is ubuntu. Let me tell you it's fairly complicated and a little hard to get used after being so used to pretty much being able to do whatever I want with windows. But ubuntu is a good package to learn on and I'm definitely in no rush to learn so I figure it's all good. Well, kinda because the rub about getting this free computer deal is that I did not get a monitor to go with it now I need a KVM, which unfortunately seems like it shall cost with the moneys and what not.
Ok well, this week has been odd for me, chiefly because the practice schedule has caused Saturday to be Monday, Sunday to be Tuesday, and so forth for the hours of practice time, so it's been strange. But I only really have to do two things this week, both relate to circuit analysis, so that's not bad. This weekend is going to be crazy because I'm on Friday we are definitely not have a "quiet get together with a tiny group of friends" so we definitely won't hang-out play video games and certainly not partake of any bread (in liquid form) then on Saturday I'm going to two friends certainly not for parties and costumes are definitely not involved. It's going to be interesting because I have practice at 3ish on both Saturday and Sunday...but it'll all work out fine.
I hope you people enjoyed this post now to leave with an unrelated picture, thank Skip for the idea...
wait, unrelated photos are cool, but informative links are right out?
Hooray for forked technologies!
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