Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Yay for Christmas
good night.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Staying till the End
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Reflection on this Semester
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
A new day with one less paper
Monday, December 3, 2007
It's Snowing
You know it's strange, I just kinda want to be done with these projects so I can study for exams-it might be that I know after exams I get to go home and relax for a like while, or it might just be that I really enjoy the subject material that I would be studying, I don't know but I just know that I'm getting tired of this whole "I don't actually decided what work I get to do thing" I just kinda want to be left to mine own devices and do things the way that works for me instead of the way that somebody else thinks will work for me
Sunday, December 2, 2007
It's December now
Here it is:
-hi my name is hatch and I’m a werewolf and I’m here to tell you about my life story it all started when I was a wee little wolf much smaller than I am now, and even a little less fury. Back then I would run through the woods day and night, fleeing from the creatures bigger than I and devouring those smaller. As I grew I developed my skills, but I had a calling I didn’t notice in any other creature, a calling to the shadows, to the dark life of the unseen warrior. I was the only one who knew of this calling and I grew my powers of stealth up from within. I no longer had to flee from the creature that were larger and strong then I for they could no longer detect my presence. I no longer devoured creatures smaller than I, rather I stalked them and in the last moments of their lives I would peer into their unseeing eyes right before I sunk my sharp fangs into their soft necks and tasted the warmth of their life itself oozing into my gullet. I became a master of this trade which only I seemed to know. My confidence grew and grew until it grew beyond my actual skill. I still remember that day, I will always remember that day. As my skill grew I began stalking and feasting on the flesh of larger more powerful beasts; it was on one such day that as I was drinking in the glazed unknowing look of a truly mighty beast I felt it for the first time. The air itself became the fires of hell as it danced truth the hairs on my back. As molten even poured through the forest of my own fur my blood froze for I knew what this meant, there was one that stalked me as I stalked all others. Even as I was preparing for a glorious feast this other hinted to me not his presence but that I had already entered the final moments of my life. I knew he was there I felt him savor the fear that fell from my eyes as I planed my last seconds in this life. And then I knew what I must do. In the second that the world itself spun backwards, the second that the skilled other made the leap to his flesh that same flesh deftly responded to my command. I ducked underneath the very beast that I myself stalked as it stupidly stood there chewing the bones of some creature even more foolish than it self. I round and ran slightly as only the truly practiced can; I ran until my very blood betrayed me and became the same hellfire that now possessed the vector of my being. I collapsed, body frozen with pain, but eyes darting frantically to catch glimpse of he who had bested me. As I searched the once familiar forest with my last bit of strength the specter that haunted my last moments of existed failed to appear. Then my blood froze as I realized the truth. The hellish transformation of air and freeze in time where not warning of my enemy’s attack, they were in fact the aftermath of that strike. At that moment I feel out of conciseness into a dream world of horrid visions about a twisted and disfigure soul that wondered through a barren unwelcoming world spreading fear and unrest as he drug his grotesque form from barred window to locked gate searching all the while for…. In this moment I am once again greeted by the sun, but it is not the sun that I know, it now has more fire and less warmth. I pry open my assaulted eyes to survey the strange new world around me filled not with the familiarities of old, but instead with hard cold stone and strange unknown formations. I found this new world to be more detailed but less informative than the old, devoid of the traces that I so often used to stalk pray. Now I stood to find my connection with mother earth halved and my protective fur gone. I had become a new beast no less ferocious but much less familiar. This was the first time I had taken this fresh form and even though I have seen vast change and witnessed the start and completion of innumerable lives in the intervening time, those moments and my flight from my transformer have burn indelible images into my mind. I must find what I have become I must know why I never sleep, I must master this new life as I mastered the old….
Friday, November 30, 2007
No Hat :(
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Yet another one
Anyway, here I are relaxing, as it is Sunday-my day of relaxation, in this here University mall by the math emporium, cause I can get the VT wireless signal here. I have been kicked out of my dorm for a week, I'm not entirely sure why, but I was kicked out and I'm not very pleased about it, but at least I'm not entirely homeless as I shall be staying with Chad, from the team. My rump is not pleased by this bench it's all with the hard/not comfortablness. Anyhow, I have recently updated my Best Buy rewards account thingy and it seems that I only have 94 points which is not cool, but I do now get double points for shopping before 11am until December 22, I picked that Holiday reward because it was the only I felt mostly likely to use. On tap for day is laying around, eating at some point and planing my studying for this week. I really only have three things to do: 1)Programing Project in Assembly Language for Intro to Computer Eng. 2) Study For Data Structures/start project 4a 3)Slides for Professionalism presentation-I guess you could count that as four things (breaking up #2 in to two seperate things) but I'm not going to be doing that I like only three things more. well I guess that's good for a blocky low tech post, perhaps I'll post again later.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
A Little More Organized
In other news VTech crushed Miama 44-14, so that was nice. Also Mom, brought a nice cataloge for me to look upon and within such I have a pair of hats that I shall eventually be getting for myself...hmm lets see if I can find a link to the hat I intend to get first so you all can see it and offer opinions....well this is the best I can really do for you. The hats I like are the Inside-Out Patchwork Hat (which I intend to get first) and the Patchwork Vintage Cap (which will be a later thing). umm, I'm not particually looking forward to this next week, but I guess it'll go well enough. I guess that's really everything that's happening for now.
Well I decided to just make the music database right now for you all to view and here it is. I know that Trans-Siberian isn't listed on the wishlist, but the wishlist is just a collection of wants for now.
Hullo Again
I know this post is kinda of poorly written and all, but I've a lot to do currently (don't worry I'll tell you all about it later) and I've tried a couple new things with this post (although it'll probably be hard to tell) what with the synchronizing with google documents and all. any way I must now depart
Led Zepplin
Pink Floyd
The Beatles
Dream Theater
Black Sabbath
Blue Oyster Cult
Daft Punk
Carbon Leaf
Alter Bridge
Deep Purple
Flogging Molly
Electric Light Orchestra
Fatboy Slim
Aphex Twin
Guess Who
The Who
Iron Maiden
Liquid Tension Experiment
Ozzy Osbourne
Paul McCartney
Stone Temple Pilots
They Might Be Giants
The Vines
Unwritten Law
Van Morrison
ZZ Top
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Honestly, In a cup?!?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
And in This Corner a 340lb Gorilla
In other news I push jerked the most weight that I have ever pushed jerked in my life, 250lbs today. This is up a whole bunch, not sure the exact amount, from my previous max because I was able to fix up my form with the help of some of my buddies and the coaches.
Umm other than that, nothing too crazy going on, just kinda hanging out, relaxing because I get 5 more days off from practice this week, although I will be lifting on Friday-hope to power clean 275. Well ok I'm off to eat or sleep or maybe smash, possible work on projects, but unlikely till later today.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Right then, we'll call it a draw
Today's post is pretty much about how I hate weekend practices. They screw up my schedule and make all sorts of trouble. Now my room is all messy and we (actually only Connor, but still...) keep losing stuff. I feel like I'm behind in all of my classes, although I'm pretty much fine in all of them expect for Data Structures, which I'm still on target to pass easy, but still I would like it to be better than that. Ah well, sometimes these things happen and simply have to be dealt with. Sadly I strained my back today as well, and I missed my first lab submission, which is completely ok because I have extra credit opportunities to deal with that but again I wish it didn't have to be like that. ahh well, tomorrow I'll be able to get back on track for the most part, but I'm going to be completely honest with every one here, I really hope I do not dress for the Georgia Tech game, just because I'd like to just stay here relax and take care of business. I have a project due on Friday that I haven't been able to put much time into. So this week will be interesting, but when it's over I'll actually get to experience a for real weekend again, which will be awesome. Well, I'm going to go relax and play some video games, that's right video games-I'm a doing just fine at school and I've been destroying people at practice and playing really really well for pretty much a solid month now, so screw work for the rest of the night I'm going to relax and enjoy my evening.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Fine People of the Wilderness
I feel as though I must share with you my powers of StumbleUpon, a strange and dangerous science that can bring content like this or maybe this. Anyway I won't be spamming the blog with random links to things like the wikipedia page for postcards-Now I won't mention the name of this particular blogger, because she does very fine work but it seems that the last few posts of her's have slightly gone down in quality in an effort to post more times that another blogger I know that also does very fine work. Frankly I only mention all of this be the first blogger post a single line blog, which while it did mention my dressing for the BC game was disappointing to me, and the fact that now I link all you readers to there pages, granted the vast majority of you readers are the same that upkeep those pages, I like to think of it as preparing for a wave of potential future readers.
Sidenote: Connor has not gone to Philosophy in about 2.5 weeks because his teacher keeps canceling class.
Well, as some of you know I recently got a new computer that is surprising in working condition for free. So to expand my computer literacy and test out a potentially useful technology I am using to learn linux the specific package I'm using is ubuntu. Let me tell you it's fairly complicated and a little hard to get used after being so used to pretty much being able to do whatever I want with windows. But ubuntu is a good package to learn on and I'm definitely in no rush to learn so I figure it's all good. Well, kinda because the rub about getting this free computer deal is that I did not get a monitor to go with it now I need a KVM, which unfortunately seems like it shall cost with the moneys and what not.
Ok well, this week has been odd for me, chiefly because the practice schedule has caused Saturday to be Monday, Sunday to be Tuesday, and so forth for the hours of practice time, so it's been strange. But I only really have to do two things this week, both relate to circuit analysis, so that's not bad. This weekend is going to be crazy because I'm on Friday we are definitely not have a "quiet get together with a tiny group of friends" so we definitely won't hang-out play video games and certainly not partake of any bread (in liquid form) then on Saturday I'm going to two friends certainly not for parties and costumes are definitely not involved. It's going to be interesting because I have practice at 3ish on both Saturday and Sunday...but it'll all work out fine.
I hope you people enjoyed this post now to leave with an unrelated picture, thank Skip for the idea...
Monday, October 22, 2007
Ok I have a question
What do all think? A group just looking to make money or an honest deal trying to better the lives of peoples?
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Programming MADNESS!!!
Any how, this weekend has been really crazy, i guess mostly because of the practices, it doesn't even feel like a weekend. But good news everyone I have gotten my program to work and I'm feeling more and more comfortable with data structures, although I'm still behind in that class things are looking better. I pretty much spent all of today programing so I have the urge to do things like end lines with semicolons and line up brackets and such. But it's ok. I had to spend today programing because this program is due at midnight tonight and I didn't get any work done on it yesterday because Connor's family showed up and kidnapped me and forced me to go eat pizza and watch Across the Universe and then brought me back here, where the hall was engaging in a "massive multi-discipline work study" which I was also press ganged into. I have to say though I really enjoyed Across the Universe and although I've never taken any drugs I'm pretty sure that after seeing that movie I've had the experience of being on way too many of them at once. Although programming also seems to have that effect on the mind as well. I don't really want to go to practice today because it's Sunday and all I've done is program and I just want to finish the exception handling and commenting so I can just chill for a while, but no I have to go, so blah, stupid weekend practices...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Ahh the Weekend Kinda...
But today so far Connor sleep in until awoken by the knock of Connor's family on the door so now his brothers are hanging out here before they all go to food. I have practice at 3 so that kinda bites on a Saturday but...
ok time to end this one for now
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tired, but Happy
I have seen the picture of me from the duke game and it is most excellent. and hey, I really haven't a lot of time to play with fun bloggy bits yet, I will eventually get around to exciting bits for all you readers. well that's all the posts that I can remember the response to for now.
I found out today that I got a 98 on my design project for Intro to CPE and that was most excellent. Um data structures test didn't really go well, but ya win some ya lose some and I still have time to get that class right. I still love circuit analysis... um yeah that's pretty much it for today. I'll remember to post again soon
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
To My Readers....
On tap for this week is relaxation because i only practice once until Saturday, a little bit of catching up and getting my course request in for next semester. Currently I have returned from talking to my awesome adviser who always provides me with all the info i need and i learned that I'm actually on schedule to graduate with a degree in EE in the summer of 2009. I won't be doing that of course but it's nice to know that that's where i am. I've also gotten all caught in Intro to Computer-an easy class that slides when things get busy sometimes. Now i just have to do some more work in Data Structure-i swear this is one of Satan's inventions-and then get ahead in circuits lab because i'll have to practice this week because of the impending Thursday night game, that i hope i'll get to dress for but i wouldn't be surprised if i didn't. um right now the hall is boring but that only because it's still earlier ( 11:44) which reminds me that I have to email my football adviser types to tell them that I'll be in on Thursday to deal with the likes of them and that they should stop being frantic and know that when it comes to my academics I kinda have it covered. Well, that's all for now I'll update all you all again some time later
Thursday, October 4, 2007
In other news today has been fairly relaxed, nothing much has happened yet, but now it is time for me to go forth and meet a couple friends for lunch.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Upon Request
Hullo, I am creating this blog because it's a darn good way to tell my family about how the days go for me, plus my siblings gave me the motivation and the means-i'm stealling their blog website. Well, i must say that i'm losing my mind today, just because it's wednesday though, those are the worst days-stupid wednesday being all stuffed to the brim with things for me to do, oh yeah, well i'll thwart your evil plot and what not. I've already made it through the really tough portion of today, the lifting bit, and now i just have a test and practice to get done then i may partake of tasty tasty sleep and maybe evil a bit of circuit analysis homework. well i must rest for the times to come and i shall post more in the future